Boylan Heights is Home

The Association normally meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. between Labor Day and Memorial day (except December) at 501 S. Boylan Ave. in the Project Enlightenment building.

Boylan Heights 2002-3 Leadership Team

What's Happening Now
(Last Update May 11, 2003)

September and October Meeting Minutes

Neighborhood Recycling Schedule

The Boylan Heights Association just adopted a resolution to support the points DixCP made regarding the NCSU master plan for the West side of the Dix property.  See what NCSU is planning, what DixCP is suggesting for changes, and what you can do to help (just write a short note).

Bloomsbury Estates Condo Project

Raleigh Historic District Street Sign Topper Project

Neighborhood Directory Questionnaire Form
(use this form to submit your information to the directory)


Boylan Heights Email Lists
Sign up for one or both lists
Change your subscription properties
View the archives of past messages

  • "Neighborhood" - To send and receive announcements

  • "Chat" - To respond to announcements and have discussions

We have started a new section - links to the websites of people and businesses in the neighborhood.  Check it out at the bottom of the page, and if you have a website you want your neighbors to know about then send me the url 

TTA Station Decision Comments from the Neighborhood
A compilation of statements from the Boylan Heights Neighborhood
Here are "Talking Points" about why the rail project is a good investment, not an expense.

Raleigh Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting, 
December 12, 2001.  Excerpts relating to the TTA Station Location Issue

Meeker Is Mayor


Photo by Greg Lytle at the victory celebration.

Businesses Run by Boylan Heights Residents ...
(If you live in Boylan Heights and want your website or business listed here, send the information to 

Links on this Boylan Heights Web Site ...

Links to Other Neighborhood's Web Sites ...


If you have something you would like to see on this site send e-mail to Joseph Huberman.