Boylan Heights Association Meeting Minutes September 25, 2001

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

BHA President Deanna Kerrigan provided a brief update on the TTA Regional Rail project. To date, TTA staff recommendations for "locally preferred alternate" station locations have been forwarded to the TTA board. The board will examine the data and make the final recommendation, perhaps some time in the late winter.

Jeff Leiter represented mayoral candidate Charles Meeker and welcomed questions about Mr. Meeker's platform. He stressed the importance of getting the word out and the importance of making it to the polls, especially since the race will be close.

A general discussion about the Project Enlightenment expansion plans followed. Susan Perry suggested having representatives from Project Enlightenment at a future BHA meeting to discuss the need for the project and how it will work within the neighborhood's historic character. Deanna Kerrigan agreed to pursue getting a speaker for the January meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.