Boylan Heights Association Meeting Minutes November 27, 2001

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.

The BHA welcomed Lea Davis and Dawson Roark, who recently moved into 713 Dorothea Drive.

The meeting opened with an update on the Art Walk. This year's event will feature more than 50 artists and will be an exciting continuation of the Art Walk tradition. Deanna Kerrigan reminded all present that the BHA will have a bake sale table at 410 Boylan Avenue and donations of baked goods are welcome. The most popular items last year were bags of 2-4 cookies, individually wrapped brownies, small breads and other such items that people can eat while walking or that are easy to carry. Donations can be delivered to 910 Dorothea Drive anytime on Saturday or directly to the sale table at 410 Boylan Avenue after noon on Sunday.

Deanna Kerrigan presented a draft of the Neighborhood Matching Grant application for review and approval. The deadline is December 7. Members present took time to read the document and comment. The grant for $4,900 would help pay for two new neighborhood signs, lighting for the signs, historically appropriate plantings at the north and south entrances to the neighborhood, and a resource booklet for Boylan Heights residents on early twentieth century plants, planting designs, and resources. A motion was made by Ken Babb to approve the application with minor changes. Jeff Groves seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. Deanna will complete the application and send it to the city. Applicants will receive notification by the end of December.

Deanna also suggested that the BHA might consider applying for the matching grant again next year to assist in paying for historically appropriate lighting fixtures along Boylan Avenue. This low-scale, attractive lighting would not only reinforce the historic character of the neighborhood, it would also solve some of the problems with lighting being obstructed by the mature trees in the neighborhood. Rather than chop up the tree canopy to provide safe lighting, we could bring the scale of the lighting lower, thereby having safety and our lovely trees. Paul Meyer suggested that this might be a way to get some power lines underground as well.

Because Project Enlightenment staff will attend the January BHA meeting to discuss their proposed renovation and addition, Deanna suggested tabling discussion on the planting/service project until staff are present and can more fully discuss what their goals would be for the project and who would maintain the plantings. All agreed.

A discussion followed about the crime element originating largely from the corner of South and South Saunders Streets. The new Chief of Police has been invited to the Art Walk and has also been invited to a walk through of the neighborhood with Boylan residents. We have not heard back yet. Other suggestions included working to get rid of the pay phone on the corner of South and South Saunders Streets (just outside of the convenience store) and investigating the ABC license of the convenience store, since they apparently don't adequately stock their shelves with food or other supplies. Paul Meyer will look into this and report at the January meeting.

Paul Meyer discussed the issue of Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and redevelopment zones. The Jamaica Drive area is one example where CDBG moneys were used to eliminate a major drug and prostitution area just outside the neighborhood, thereby decreasing crime in the larger area. He will look into possible CDBG projects for the area of Dorothea Drive, east of Florence Street. That section is not in the neighborhood, but needs some obvious help. He will report back in January.

Questions were asked about the Demolition by Neglect list proposed by the BHA to the Raleigh Historic Districts Commission. Deanna reported that the Commission has some questions about the properties listed (one has since had substantial work done, one is in the planning stages of renovation, and one is scheduled to be demolished). Deanna suggested that prior to generating any new list, the BHA should invite David Bonomo to a meeting to discuss the process and help residents better understand what criteria the Commission values most. It was agreed by all that a formal invitation be sent to Mr. Bonomo, who represents the neighborhood on the Commission, to attend the January meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.