Boylan Heights Association Meeting Minutes

Minutes September 2002 Meeting of the BHA


  1. Candidates
    1. Joe Bryan

                                                               i.      Knightdale town councilman or mayor for 15 years

                                                             ii.      Sees Education and Transportation as a) a function of growth and b) the two key issues that he will focus upon

                                                            iii.      Has teachers’ endorsement

                                                           iv.      He opposes changing the tax structure to ad valorem

    1. Linda Colman

                                                               i.      Current Commission Chairwoman

                                                             ii.      Focus on vision for the “long view” for county since the day-to-day is handled by county manager

                                                            iii.      Believes strong suit is “collaboration and bringing people to the table”

                                                           iv.      Concerned about homeless, mental health resources vis-ŕ-vis the future of Dorothea Dix Hospital

  1. Raleigh Historic Districts Commission
    1. Terry Harper, Chair; Alpha Howze, Vice Chair; and Commissioner Danny Colman attended BHA meeting to discuss historic sign program

                                                               i.      They have proposed a sign program for the five historic districts to celebrate 40 years of the RHDC

1.      Blue and White reflective ovals with the name of the district for each street-signpost within the Historic districts

2.      The signs will be six-by-nine inch standard ovals

3.      The “toppers” will be placed on any street signpost that is within the district

4.      The next step is the City Council where approval is expected

5.      The Raleigh Department of Transportation will install the signs throughout the winter; all signs in a neighborhood at one time and one neighborhood at a time

                                                             ii.      The Commission has 12 members appointed to two-year terms by the City Council with a maximum of three terms

                                                            iii.      David Bonomo resigned recently; he was from Boylan Heights and was “our” representative on the Commission

                                                           iv.      They are actively looking for people with design, landscape design and architectural backgrounds for the Commission

    1. Dan Becker reports on RHDC, BHeights history/progress

                                                               i.      1961 City Council establishes the Historic Sites Commission

                                                             ii.      1966 Passage of the National Restoration Act

                                                            iii.      In Raleigh, first tackled non-profit incorporation and worked with the Junior League; published a book in 1967 that is currently in fourth or fifth printing

                                                           iv.      Andrew Jackson House was early success

                                                             v.      Raleigh was first city to buy a property specifically to preserve it – in 1967 the Mordecai House

                                                           vi.      1974 Highway Plan by the city was taken off the books – it would have effectively eliminated the “Oakwood Problem”

                                                          vii.      1975 Oakwood designated as Historic District

                                                        viii.      Boylan Heights designated in 1984 – other districts include Capitol Square (1976), Blount Street (1976), and Moore’s Square (1992)

                                                           ix.      The County developed a preservation program in 1994

                                                             x.      Becker’s Bottom Line – Boylan Heights is in similar condition after nearly two decades as Oakwood was two decades after its designation; the process is sure but gradual

  1. Reports
    1. Treasurer

                                                               i.      Leslie Kellenberger reports that the BHA checking account has $398.33

    1. West Side Coalition

                                                               i.      Paul Meyer has been attending

                                                             ii.      Next meeting is this coming Friday

    1. Community Watch

                                                               i.      Deanna Kerrigan hosted eight people for initial Neighborhood Watch meeting

                                                             ii.      Discussion of pit bulls on Florence and a fire on Florence near Dorothea Street

                                                            iii.      Next meeting on October 10th at 7:00 p.m.  910 Dorothea Street; Officer Upchurch to attend.  Neighborhood to share three priorities with police: 1) Need for immediate communication, 2) Dogs at Florence Street, 3) The general area around E. Florence Street

    1. Neighborhood Directory

                                                               i.      Evelyn Fay designed the forms

                                                             ii.      Currently it is being put in Excel

                                                            iii.      So far, there are about 40 forms that have been returned

    1. Social Committee

                                                               i.      Don’t forget dinner, drinks and socializing after First Friday at Moonlight Pizza

                                                             ii.      Last month’s initial social event was a success; approximately 25 people came by

    1. Artwalk

                                                               i.      Elizabeth Dunbar reports that there will be 60 exhibitors on a route similar to 2001 Artwalk

                                                             ii.      Deadline is October 15;; $25 adults and $6 for kids

                                                            iii.      The first meeting of Artwalk Committee was about three weeks ago and included discussion on the following subjects

1.      Bake Sale

2.      Potential to expand into new foods/hot drinks

3.      T-Shirt sales

·        Point of Action – BHA Officers will present some ideas at next meeting as to how BHA can contribute/take part in Artwalk

    1. Dorothea Dix

                                                               i.      Joseph Huberman shared some overhead views of the proposed land uses of the Dorothea Dix properties

                                                             ii.      He chairs a group that will organize sentiment on issue throughout development/sale process.  Maps and other information available at

  1. Adjourn