Boylan Heights Association Meeting Minutes

Minutes October Meeting of the BHA (10/22/02)


1.      Bloomsbury Estate

·        David Bryson is the architect on the project and is with HagarSmith Design; John Bruckel is buying the property at the corner of Boylan and Hargett Streets from the Williams family

·        Developing two buildings with 34 units each.  Fully underground parking and 1.68 parking spots per unit.  Buildings will be 60 feet high.  Currently zoned for industrial with residential overlay.

·        The original courthouse from the site was a log structure; therefore, their design is based on “high design of an apartment building from the turn of the century”

·        Units will be between 1100 to 1800 square feet; each with a balcony that is at least eight by eight feet; current projections are for $200 per square foot; will have a red brick veneer

·        Has approval from DMRP, Appearance, Planning and City Council

·        The green area of the site will increase by 20 percent (currently a parking lot with petroleum-based waste)

·        There are three 33-caliber oak trees.  Designing to save one, one is being taken down and one is currently dying

·        Initial grading will likely take place in March 2003; opening January 2004

2.      Proposed RHDC Street Signs

·        Jeff Groves gave background on sign-topper initiative

·        Elizabeth Dunbar motioned to accept signs, seconded by Harrison Marshall

·        Point of Action – A letter should be drafted/sent to City Council with BHA support

3.      County Commission Candidates

a.      Betty Mangum

a.       American Indian and North Carolinian who moved to North Raleigh in 1976

b.      30 year career in education which would continue to form the basis of her decision-making process on the Commission

b.      Tony Gurley

a.       Lived here since 1981 and run his own pharmacy – currently finishing law school

b.      Four Goals: 1) Prevent tax increases, 2) Eliminate wasteful spending, 3) Increase funding for public school classroom education, 4) Promote balanced and responsible growth

c.      Herb Council

a.       Key issues: affordable housing, education and teacher pay increases, park and open space initiatives

b.      Received endorsements of Sierra Club, Wake Co. Educators, N&O, Police and Homebuilders

d.      Aura Camacho Maas

a.       Moved to Raleigh area 18 years ago from Chicago; originally from Columbia

b.      Went to NC State and is the founder and current director of the Latin American Resource Center which provides “community building and communications services for Latin American communities

c.       Proposes to move the commission meetings, on a rotating basis, around the county and into the evening.

e.      Phil Jeffreys

a.       Born in Knightdale in 1937 and married 40 years

b.      In favor of tax credits in order to take the pressure off of public schools and more regional transportation

c.       Would like to see the cities and the county cooperate on building permitting

4.  Reports

  1. Treasurer
  2. West Side Coalition – Another meeting in about 2-3 weeks
  3. Community Watch Committee – Good meeting with police although despite request by neighbors for information quickly, the RPD withheld information about a rape on Dorothea
  4. Social Activities Committee – Point of Action – Note to Jay Spain: Please send the email reminder about First Friday/Moonlight more than one day in advance
  5. Livable Streets Initiative – There will be a meeting tomorrow and Jeff Groves will attend
  6. BHA Directory – there are 73 entries so far
  7. Railroad Corridor Maintenance and Improvements – Paul Meyer is establishing a dialogue with railway.  We need people to participate in the effort
  8. Artwalk Fundraising
    1.   We will have a bake sale
    2.  Beverages – Hot Chocolate and Coffee as well as canned soft drinks
    3.  Small number of shirts available on day of Artwalk; and we will do pre-sale shirts
    4. Laura Brown has done the shirts in the past (design/ordering) and is in touch with Paul Meyer about the same this year
    5. Point of Action – Someone to run the Tee Shirt creation process is required. The shirts will be sold from lawn of Montford Hall and the bake sale will be at 410 Boylan Street
  9. BH Omnibus Transportation Report
    1. Harrison Marshall developing report/plan and will do most of the work through the newsletter
    2. Focus on all modes of transportation within neighborhood and their problems – i.e. street and signage design, bike lanes, sidewalks and crosswalks, lights/timing
    3. Next will prioritize problems/needs
    4. Develop potential solutions to problems.  Try to implement solutions with relevant authorities
  10. Dorothea Dix Development
5. Adjourn