May 22 BHA Meeting Minutes

 The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

 The Metropolitan

The first presentation was by the Florian Companies, developers of The Metropolitan, a 60-unit high-end condo development scheduled for 529 South Harrington Street (across from the Ark shelter and the old NC Railroad building). John Florian and Kim Stone (a Boylan resident) gave an overview of the project and answered questions. They would like suggestions for streetscape improvements on Cabarrus Street and other general quality of life components to the exterior of the building.  You can reach them at 834-7579 or Overall, they are looking to create an urban project that co-exists with the current neighborhood. 


A motion was made and passed to approve of the project and support its development.

Nextel Communications Pole

Atlantic Site Development presented their proposal to install a Nextel communications pole at 502 S. West Street (between the two auto repair shops, across from the bus station). The project includes a 99’ galvanized pole about the diameter of a telephone pole, with a canister type top (no antenna) and surrounded by a 35’ by 35’ fenced area. It will not be lighted or painted and it will not generate noise, odor, or waste. According to photographs presented at the meeting, it will not generally be visible from the neighborhood. At the currently proposed height, Nextel will not be required to share its pole with other providers (called “co-location”), although it can. There was discussion about the impact the pole might have on redevelopment of the area and what, if any, precedent BHA might be setting for other carriers to come into the neighborhood. All agreed that as far as communications towers go, the pole was a much better solution that the standard tower. 

A motion was made and passed to approve of the 99’ pole with the "capsules" containing the antennas, and to encourage them to co-locate with other communications companies if the need arose.

 Memorial Day Picnic

Everyone was reminded that Monday the 29th is the Boylan Heights Memorial Day picnic. The fun begins at 6:00 p.m. on the grounds of Project Enlightenment. Bring a covered dish, perennial plants to swap, and be prepared to vote on the two options for a new Boylan Heights sign. Rain date for the picnic is Saturday, June 2 (same time, same location). Paper products (plates, napkins, utensils, etc.) and beverages will be provided.

 Nomination of BHA Officers

 The following people were nominated for BHA office in 2001-2002:

 Demolition by Neglect

 Paul Meyer presented information on the list of properties identified for demolition by neglect status. The following changes should be made to addresses listed in the newsletter:

There was some discussion about the procedure. As agreed upon at the April meeting, Deanna and Paul sent letters to property owners of the top 11 houses listed in the May newsletter. It was decided to make this process semi-annual and to recognize property owners who were making efforts to improve their properties as well. A motion was made and passed to send the following three properties to the City of Raleigh for the demolition by neglect process:

 [Note: In response to questions about the criteria for determining demolition by neglect, here is the municipal code information.]

 TTA Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The Triangle Transit Authority has released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Regional Rail project. Summaries of the DEIS are available from TTA in print and CD-ROM form. A public hearing will be held on June 25 at the Raleigh City Council Chambers Municipal Building, Room 201 at 222 West Hargett Street. An open house from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. will be followed by the meting from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. All neighborhood residents are encouraged to attend.

 Handouts of excerpts from the summary were distributed to those in attendance.

 There was discussion about the procedure. After written and oral comments are received, TTA will make recommendations about a Locally Preferred Alternative or LPA for the station. The TTA Board of Directors will vote on the LPAs and staff will complete a Final Environmental Impact Statement for approval by the Federal Transit Authority. Once that is approved, work on the project will begin.

 Of the four alternative sites for the Boylan area, only one (Alternative C) does not include an at-grade crossing on the south end of the Boylan bridge.

 A motion was made and discussed: Be it resolved that the Boylan Heights Association is pro-transit and supports the Regional Rail project. The BHA prefers Station Alternate "C" because it does not include an at-grade crossing. If another Station Alternate is chosen by TTA, the BHA will work with TTA and expects them to mitigate traffic, noise, and safety issues.

 Other news

 The meeting was adjourned

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