May 2001 Boylan Heights Newsletter

 May BHA Meeting

 The next meeting of the BHA will be Tuesday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Project Enlightenment building. The agenda is full and we will begin promptly at 7:00! 

Don’t Forget the Memorial Day Picnic!

 Join your neighbors for the annual Boylan Heights Memorial Day Picnic on Monday, May 28 at 6:00 p.m. on the field behind Project Enlightenment. Bring a covered dish to share. Paper products and beverages are provided. Catch up with old friends, meet new neighbors and enjoy a relaxing evening. In the event of rain, the picnic will be held on Saturday, June 2. 

 Nominations for BHA Officers

 The Boylan Heights Association seeks nominations for the offices of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Officers for 2001-2002 will be elected at the Memorial Day picnic. Please consider volunteering your time and expertise to the Association! Contact Deanna Kerrigan at 715-0200, ext. 304 or if you are interested.

Demolition by Neglect Proposal List

At the March 2001 BHA meeting, a committee was charged with surveying the neighborhood and developing a list of properties to be submitted to the Historic Districts Commission for review as “Demolition by Neglect.” The City of Raleigh’s Demolition by Neglect program seeks to prevent property owners from harming the overall quality of historic districts by neglecting properties to the point that they cannot be saved. A list of three properties will be forwarded to the HDC for review in 2001. 

The committee came up with the following list of properties. The final list of three will be discussed and voted on at the May 22 BHA meeting. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the properties for discussion.

 Regional Rail Environmental Study Complete

 The Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) has completed its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed downtown commuter rail station. Copies of the complete document are located at all local public libraries and via Deanna Kerrigan (821-4172 or 715-0200, ext. 304). Shorter summaries in print and CD-ROM will be available through TTA by late May.

 TTA will hold public feedback meetings throughout the summer. If you care about this project and its potential impact on Boylan Heights, please attend one of these sessions. You may attend any of the sessions, although the June 25 meeting is specifically focused on our neighborhood.

 TTA will hold an open house each evening from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. followed by a public hearing from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

 The neighborhood association has until July 20 to comment on the DEIS document. Attend the May 22 neighborhood meeting for more detailed information.

 Mosquito Magnet

 The Mosquitoes are coming, and there is a new product called Mosquito Magnet.  Joseph Huberman has one, and is considering becoming a dealer for the product.  It is a pretty high tech device that runs on propane and exhales warm carbon dioxide - like a mammal - to attract mosquitoes.  It is working quite well and has already caught the early mosquitoes that were staking out his yard.  If you want to see it work, or talk about it, give Joseph a call at 828-6068.

 Meeker for Mayor

 Charles Meeker is running for Mayor this fall, and we are having a campaign kick-off party at 407 Cutler Street on Thurs May 24 from 7-9 PM.  Save the date on your calendar, more details will be forthcoming.  Call Mack Paul at 834-4120 or John Montgomery at 755-0585 if you would like to be an early sponsor.