Boylan Heights Newsletter May 2002

The next meeting of the BHA will be at the Memorial Day picnic, Monday, May 27th at 6:00 p.m. at the Dix greenway gazebo. Reminder: The BHA does not meet in June, July, or August.

· Food and Fun
· Monthly Updates
    TTA Commuter Rail Station
    Community Watch Update
    Neighborhood Entrance Signs
    Voting for 2002-2003 BHA officers
· Neighborhood Plant Swap (bring your plants!)

Open House, Sunday, May 19
David Bonomo and Dara Boland at 620 Cutler Street invite Boylan Heights residents to an open house Sunday, May 19 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Their house and studio was originally a neighborhood grocery and their renovation of the building won a 1999 Sir Walter Raleigh Award from the Raleigh Appearance Commission. The home/business space is also for sale.

2002 Annual BHA Memorial Day Picnic!
Don't miss the Boylan Heights annual Memorial Day picnic, scheduled for Monday, May 27 at 6:00 p.m. This year's picnic will be held at the Dix campus gazebo, located on the east end of the greenway. Bring a potluck dish to share-paper products and beverages will be provided.

Cast Off Your Rouge Plants at the Picnic
Purchase too many petunias? Dividing your dianthus? Bring your extra plants to the Memorial Day picnic to pass along to neighbors, or pick up some new beauties for your own yard!

Vote for BHA Officers
The Boylan Heights Association will elect officers for 2002-2003 at the Memorial Day picnic. The slate for officers proposed for 2002-2003 is as follows:

President Paul Meyer
Vice President Jeff Groves
Treasurer Leslie Kellenberger
Secretary Dana Damico

TTA Board Votes to Eliminate At-Grade Crossing
At the April board meeting of the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA), staff recommended that the board adopt the West Street station with the full underground tunnel and completely drop the raised platform with the at-grade crossing on Boylan Avenue. The board approved this change at the April meeting, which means that the commuter rail line will not fly up from the existing rail bed and cross Boylan at the base of the bridge. Thanks to all who helped work with TTA to craft the new solution, which should reduce noise, air pollution, and traffic safety issues in the neighborhood! And thanks, especially, to Don Carnell and his staff at TTA for being willing to work with our community.

Neighborhood Signs Due in late May
The long-awaited new neighborhood signs will be installed in late May. Due to some issues with the Historic Districts Commission, the process has taken longer, but we are finally in production. Thanks to the many Boylan Heights residents who contributed to the sign project!

Thanks also to the City of Raleigh Community Improvement Grant program and to the following community businesses for their contributions:

Chris Yetter, York Simpson Underwood Realty
CitySpace Management Company
Coleman Properties
    UHF & Rich LLC
    Johnson & Hamill Properties
    The Raleigh-Florence MMM LLC

Thinking About Renovating Your House? Check into Restoration Tax Credits!
The state of North Carolina currently offers restoration tax credits to owners of historic properties. In order to qualify for the program you must apply for project approval BEFORE you begin your renovations. The process is fairly easy and can save property owners a bundle on their renovation/restoration costs. Owners of rental property can qualify for additional federal tax credits, too! For more information, contact David Christenbury, Tax Credit Coordinator for the State Historic Preservation Office at 733-6547.

The fate of the Restoration Tax Credit program is uncertain with the current budget fiasco. Contact your representatives and urge them to continue this program that helps boost the quality of life in older neighborhoods and adds significantly to the historic fabric of North Carolina communities!!

Senator Eric Reeves 715-6400 Senator Brad Miller 715-8363 Rep. Dan Blue 715-2528 Rep. Bob Hensley 733-5780