Boylan Heights Monthly October 1998

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The next meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association is Tuesday, October 27, 7:00 p.m. at 501 S. Boylan Ave. in the Project Enlightenment school building. The Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Agenda items for our upcoming meeting include:

• Candidates for Wake County Commissioner; presentations on homeless issue
• Community Watch; Raleigh City police officer as guest
• Traffic report
• Treasurer's report
• Fund-raising ideas
• Announcements

Breakfast at the Ark

As part of the neighborhood's effort to understand how shelters can best serve the needs of the homeless people, and to be a better neighbor to "our" shelter, the Boylan Heights community, for almost a year now, has taken on the responsibility of cooking and serving breakfast at the Ark shelter on Cabarrus St. the third Sunday of each month.

The system thus far has been two households/groups work together to purchase, cook, and serve Sunday breakfast.

Each household works two months in succession. The groups are staggered so there is always an experienced household to show the new group the ropes. There have been as many as 11 people in the kitchen at a time, but five to six adults/older kids would be adequate, as well as any smaller kids.

If you and your family, or a small group of friends would like to volunteer to fill an upcoming slot (November 15th, December 20th, etc.), please call Susan Parry (755-0585) or Amy Marschall (821-3748).

Thanks to all the folks that have volunteered since May:
May: the Barabash & Hardy households
June: the Hardy & Levis households
July: the Levis and Cowperthwaite & Weaver and Voso households
Aug.: the Weaver and Snuggs & Marschall households
Sept.: the Marschall, Going/Henderson and Rawlins/Flynn households
Oct.: the Going/Henderson, Rawlins/Flynn & Brown households

Raleigh Police Officer to Discuss Safety in Boylan Heights at October Meeting

Would you like to learn more about preventing crime in the neighborhood? A Raleigh City police officer will answer questions at the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association meeting on October 27, 7pm at Project Enlightenment.

The officer also will address specific crime problems, including car break-ins and drug dealing. In addition, he will talk about the importance of a neighborhood watch.

We encourage everyone to attend.

 The Candidates are Coming!

The Candidates are Coming to this Tuesday's Boylan Heights Association meeting.   That's Tuesday, October 27, 7 p.m. at Project Enlightenment.

Michael Weeks, Betty Mangnum, Jan Pueschel, Anne Franklin and perhaps others (all have been invited) will come state their positions on the issue of homelessness in Wake County.

Four of seven seats on the Wake County Board of Commissioners will be decided on Nov. 3.  If you want action on the issue of homelessness, please come and see where these candidates stand--and let them know that this issue is important to voters.


Talk of the Town Interior Design

Talk of the Town offers a full spectrum of services, including consultation, redecoration and restoration, and provides a complete line of furnishings, including

• Furniture
• Lighting
• Window Treatments
• Antiques
• Slipcovers

Located at 201 S. Boylan at the corner of Hargett St. Phone: 833-3007.

Thanks to Talk of the Town for sponsoring the October Boylan Heights Monthly!


Traffic Resolution Passed

At the September meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association, a resolution was passed about traffic recommendations in and around the neighborhood. The recommendations were forwarded to Ed Johnson in the Raleigh Department of Transportation.

Some of the recommendations include:

• Installing traffic-calming measures along S. Boylan Ave. from the railroad bridge south to Western Blvd.
• Two-way, two-laning of South and Lenoir streets from Boylan Ave. east to Dawson St.
• Safety/visibility improvements at the inter-sections of Dorothea Dr. and Western Blvd.

If you have any further questions, call Jim Kellenberger at 833-9678.


Art Walk '98

The 1998 Boylan Heights Art Walk happens on December 2 from 2-5. Artists who would like to participate by selling their work can get an application by calling Laura Brown at 828-3544. Be sure to save your Christmas shopping for December 6--more details in November's newsletter.

 Newsletter Deliverers & Sponsors Always Needed!

If you have the time to help deliver the newsletter, just one street or two every month or every other month, we could use your help. It's not a huge time commitment, so if you can stuff a few mailboxes from time to time, please contact Derrick Weaver at 755-6333.

We can also use assistance with the bi-monthly cost of producing the newsletter (about $45/edition). Advertise your business or charitable event in return for newsletter sponsorship!

Thanks to the following people for their help in delivering some issues over the past two years:
Louise Anderson, Ann Green, Joseph Huberman, Ray Lanier, Amy Marschall, Rhonda Maurer, Anne McLaurin, Barb Patterson, Jackie Pleasants, Andy and Alison Romano, and Lynn Williams.

 Boylan Heights Garden Club

The next meeting of the Garden Club will be Wednesday, November 4, 7:30 pm at Elizabeth Dunbar's house, 422 Cutler St. Future meeting will be at 7:30 pm, the first Wednesday of each month at the Dunbars'. All are welcome!

 Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association Officers

• Ann Green, President, 828-6888
• Derrick Weaver, Vice President 755-6333
• Leslie Kellenberger, Treasurer 833-9678
• Louise Anderson, Secretary/Newsletter Editor,, 828-7415

Newsletter submissions are welcomed Deadline is Tuesday (one week) before each month's neighborhood association meeting (fourth Tuesday of the month). Call or email.

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