Boylan Heights Monthly November 1998

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The next meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association is Tuesday, November 24, 7:00 p.m. at 501 S. Boylan Ave. in the Project Enlightenment school building. The Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Agenda items for our upcoming meeting include:

• Triangle Transit Authority's Proposed Regional Rail System
• First Home Solution report
• Voting on Boylan Heights t-shirt design
• General Business

Unless a need arises, please assume that there will be no December newsletter or neighborhood meeting. We'll resume business in January. Happy Holidays!

TTA Rep to Discuss Proposed Rail Station At November Neighborhood Meeting

The Triangle Transit Authority has begun a detailed Environmental Impact Statement and preliminary engineering plan for the proposed Regional Rail System. One of the proposed downtown stations is near the Boylan Avenue Bridge.

A TTA representative will discuss the proposed downtown station at the November meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association at 7 p.m. at Project Enlightenment. TTA wants input from citizens about the best locations for the regional rail system. We would like to see a large turnout for the meeting.

Art Walk ‘98

The 1998 Boylan Heights Art Walk happens on Sunday, December 6 from 2-5. This year's Art Walk also will feature a raffle to benefit the neighborhood--buy raffle tickets and view the items you can win (donated art) at 435 Cutler St.

Maps for the Art Walk will be available at 315 S. Boylan and 422 Cutler. Approximately 25 artists will be displaying their work. A great opportunity to do your holiday shopping--be sure to come, and spread the word!

Free Home Repairs Through the City of Raleigh

The City of Raleigh Community Development Department is looking for homeowners in Boylan Heights and other redevelopment, conservation or special census tract neighborhoods, who need a new roof, interior and exterior painting or other minor home repairs. If you are selected this service is free, provided you meet the following requirements: (1) You must own your house and live in it, or have life time rights and live in it. (2) Your 1997 property taxes must be paid. (3) You must meet HUD income levels which are determined by the Community Development Department. (4) You must plan to live in your house at least (3) years after the service is provided. The materials will be paid for by the City of Raleigh, and the work will be done by experienced volunteer organizations (World Changers and Hoper Builders). Call Ruby Green with the Community Development Department at 857-4330 for more information, at your earliest convenience.

Raleigh United Neighborhoods (RUN) needs you!

A new association is forming to improve and enhance the quality of life for people living in Raleigh's older central neighborhoods. Our goal is to identify common concerns, and join together for effective, cooperative action in pursuit of our common interests and goals. This group is autonomous and will be free to act, interact, speak, etc. as needed. If you are interested in working together with our downtown neighbors, and/or would like more information, please call Janet Silber (Boylan Heights at 755-1686 or Octavia Rainey (College Park) at 834-4022.




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Thanks to Vic's for sponsoring the November edition of the Boylan Heights Newsletter!

 A Few Notes from the Garden Club

Safety Suggestions

The Garden Club offers these suggestions for a safer winter season: Replace the batteries in smoke detectors at least once a year. Also, make sure your house numbers are visible from the street. These could save your life.

Holiday Glow

During the Holiday Season the Garden Club would like to encourage residents to display electric candles in their windows giving a glow to our neighborhood during the longest nights of the year.

Home and Garden Show

At the last Garden Club meeting on November 4th, it was decided to enter the February 11th Home and Garden Show. The themes for the exhibit gardens will be taken from quotes of Elizabeth Lawrence, a famous southern gardener. Everyone is invited to participate.

The next Garden Club meeting will be on December 2nd at 422 Cutler Street at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome.

Crepe Myrtle Care

A special demonstration workshop will be presented on Saturday, December 5th. Harriet Bellerjeau and Ray Lanier will instruct in how to enhance the beauty of crepe myrtles by thinning, limbing up, and light pruning. Everyone should meet at Ray Lanier's house at 1012 West Cabarrus Street at 9:00 a.m. Please bring your saws, lopping shears, pruning shears, twine. The outdoor laboratory area will be at the crepe myrtles on the western end of Dorothea Dr. We hope to return these small trees to their appealing sculptural quality minus the invasive tree growth. If there is rain this workshop will be postponed. Workshop ends by noon and is free.

Finally, a note from Miss Manners:

Gentle Readers,

I'd like to remind you to be polite and responsible and to clean up after your dogs when they relieve themselves in our neighborhood. Especially after doing so on your neighbors' property. The City of Raleigh does have an ordinance requiring owners to clean up after their dogs. If it is witnessed that a dog owner does not clean up after the pet, the witness may call 831-6311 and a ticket for $15.00 can be issued to the offending owner. Now Gentle Readers don't be offensive to your neighbors but remember your good manners and social responsibilities and clean up after your pets!

Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association Officers

• Ann Green, President, 828-6888
• Derrick Weaver, Vice President, 755-6333
• Leslie Kellenberger, Treasurer, 833-9678
• Louise Anderson, Secretary/Newsletter Editor,, 828-7415

Newsletter submissions are welcomed

Deadline is Tuesday (one week) before each month's neighborhood association meeting (fourth Tuesday of the month). Call or email.

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