September 1998

The next meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association is Tuesday, September 22, 7:00 p.m. at 501 S. Boylan Ave. in the Project Enlightenment school building. The Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Agenda items for our upcoming meeting include:

Boylan Heights T-shirts 
great holiday gift idea!

It's been a while since we've had a Boylan Heights t-shirt, so it's time for a design contest! Submit your idea for a t-shirt design that shows Boylan Heights pride to Derrick Weaver prior to the October meeting (October 27), or bring your design to the meeting, when we'll vote and select a design. In November, the winning design will be circulated for pre-paid orders to be delivered in December.
Drop off your design to Derrick at 805 W. Cabarrus. Call him with any questions at 733-7844, ext. 208 (day). Profits will benefit that very worthy cause, the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association!


 A note from Rosemary Thomas and Marcus
"Thank you for sharing, thank you for caring, we love everyone in Boylan Heights!"


Volunteers Open Homeless Shelter
Leslie Kellenberger

"A group of volunteers has started its own year-round homeless shelter after being frustrated by the lack of progress made by local governments. "Wake Friends of the Homeless inaugurated a six-bedroom house on South Person Street on Saturday as a short-term shelter for families." "'Our goal is to get people off the streets and out of their cars and out of jammed up apartments,' said Jim Hutchby, president of the group. "The group decided to open its own house for the homeless after it watched Raleigh and Wake County officials talk for years about establishing a shelter loaded with programs without ever doing it." This article from the N&O over the summer details how the volunteer-run group got the shelter started (ask Leslie or Louise for a copy of the entire article). Wake Friends of the Homeless plans to open more small shelters after the first one is established, which has room for 12 people. If you would like to make a donation to the group, contact:
    Wake Friends of the Homeless
    c/o Jim Hutchby, President
    1725 Tropical Dr.
    Raleigh, NC 27607


 Sixth Annual Christmas Tree Sale
by the Raleigh Rugby Club

All trees are pre-sold (paid in advance) to be picked up December 5 at the Kellenbergers', 610 S. Boylan from 10:00am - 12:00pm.

                    Prices by size:
                         6' - 7' $40
                         8' - 9' $55
                         9' - 10' $75
                         Small wreaths (18")
                         Large wreaths (24")

There are fresh cut North Carolina trees! Call Mark Durrett to order at 363-8381.


Newsletter Deliverers & Sponsors Needed

If you have the time to help deliver the newsletter, just one street or two every month or every other month, we could use your help. It's not a huge time commitment, so if you can stuff a few mailboxes from time to time, please contact Derrick Weaver at 755-6333. Thanks!

We can also use assistance with the bi-monthly cost of producing the newsletter (about $45/edition). Advertise your business or charitable event in return for newsletter sponsorship!


 Would you like to receive Boylan Heights news via e-mail?

If so, send an e-mail to boylan@ with the words "Boylan Heights subscription" in the subject field.

Time-sensitive news will be delivered as necessary; other items of general interest will come in the full version of the "electronic newsletter." The full version will be published during the third week of each month, before the monthly neighborhood association meeting (fourth Tuesdays of the month).

Fear not--signing up will not attract spam, solicitations, or endless boring jokes. Most months it will be identical to the hard copy version of the newsletter, which will continue for those who do not use e-mail regularly. Other electronic notices will be about public meetings that may affect our neighborhood, volunteer opportunities, or alerts of any kind. We hope to eventually cut down on the number of paper newsletters produced by communicating electronically.

As with the hard copy of the newsletter, please send submissions for the electronic newsletter to Louise Anderson,, or call 828-7415, by the third Tuesday of the month. Notices that need to go out immediately and can't wait for the full electronic edition can be sent directly to for distribution. Newsletters will also be kept on the neighborhood's Web site at for you to view if you don't wish to receive the newsletter via e-mail.


Did you leave something behind after the June Graduation Party?

I have a serving plate with bright concentric rings of color, and a large serving spoon that were left at the Boylan Heights graduation party on McCulloch Street in June. If you are missing one of these please call me to claim it. --Susan Parry 755-0585

Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association Officers

Ann Green, Vice President, 828-6888
Derrick Weaver, Vice President, 755-6333
Leslie Kellenberger, Treasurer, 833-9678
Louise Anderson, Secretary/Newsletter Editor,, 828-7415

Newsletter submissions are welcomed

Deadline is Tuesday (one week) before each month's neighborhood association meeting (fourth Tuesday of the month). Call or email.