Boylan Heights Monthly February 1999

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The next meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association is Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 p.m. at 501 S. Boylan Ave. in the Project Enlightenment school building. The Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Agenda items for our upcoming meeting include:

Due to the small amount of information, there is no print newsletter this month. The next print newsletter will be distributed the weekend of March 20(please send submissions by 3/16 if possible). All information below also will be included in next month's print newsletter, except the agenda for this month's meeting. If you know of a Neighbor who won't receive this electronic notice, please pass this information along. Thank you!

  • Jean Williams, director of The Women's Center in Raleigh, will speak on homeless shelters.
  • Amy Marschall will report on Christmas donations to Boylan Avenue home and The Ark shelter.
  • Joseph Huberman will present the final phase of the plantings for the Western Boulevard Extension project for approval by the Association.
  • General Business

Garden Club Wins!

The display garden designed and built by Annie Dudley, Mark Gill and Ray Lanier won second place in its category with a purse of $450! The exhibit was a beautiful arrangement of flowering shrubs and bulbs that seemed to shout "spring!" to visitors. Annie, Mark and Ray, congratulations from all!

Alley/Neighborhood Cleanup

The last Saturday of March, the 27th, has been designated as a neighborhood wide cleanup day in preparation for the "Pink Truck" pickup during the first week of April. All residents are encouraged to remove those dead refrigerators, washers, ranges, etc., from porches, garages and basements and put them near the alley for pickup. Almost anything will be picked up with the exception of tires and masonry. Need help moving stuff to the alley? Call Ray Lanier @ 828-9112 or Elizabeth Dunbar @ 836-8136 and we'll try to give you a hand.

Walking Partners

Anyone interested in getting into shape and shedding those extra pounds? Call me if you'd like to walk early in the morning, leave at 6:30 a.m., back by 7:30 a.m. Must be able to walk at least 3 miles per hour. Call Elizabeth Dunbar @ 836-8136.


Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association Officers

• Ann Green, President, 828-6888
• Derrick Weaver, Vice President, 755-6333
• Leslie Kellenberger, Treasurer, 833-9678
• Louise Anderson, Secretary/Newsletter Editor,, 828-7415

Newsletter submissions are welcomed

Deadline is Tuesday (one week) before each month's neighborhood association meeting (fourth Tuesday of the month). Call or email.

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