By-laws of the Boylan Heights Association

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Boylan Heights Association.

Article II: Purpose

Boylan Heights Association shall preserve and enhance the quality and diversity of neighborhood life in the Boylan Heights area of Raleigh, North Carolina

Article III: Organization

A. MEMBERSHIP. The membership of the Boylan Heights Association shall consist of residents of Boylan Heights, individuals who work or own property in Boylan Heights, and others who have a substantial interest in the well-being of the neighborhood

B. MEETINGS. Unless otherwise agreed, the Boylan Heights Association shall meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:30 P.M. at the Boylan Heights School.

C. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The Association membership shall elect officers in May of each year on the basis of nominations from a nominating committee and floor nominations. Officers shall serve one-year terms.

D. RULES FOR MEETINGS. Conduct of the Association's meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of order, construed to allow liberal discussion of issues of interest to Association members.

Article IV: Officers

A. PRESIDENT. The President shall preside at meetings of the Association. The President shall also designate an editor of the Association newsletter to be printed and distributed prior to each monthly meeting. (sic) Finally, the President shall undertake such matters as assigned by the membership.

B. VICE PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall act on the President1s behalf and perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.

C. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall keep appropriate bank accounts for the Association and report monthly on receipts and disbursements.

D. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Association's meetings and the other books and records of the Association. The minutes of the meetings .may be in a summary forn except as to the formal actions taken by the Association which shall be set out in detail.

Article V: Formulation Of Policy

The Boylan Heights Association shall formulate policy by majority vote after notice of discussion of the policy matter to be considered and discussion thereof at the Association's monthly meeting. In implementing the forgoing sentence the newsletter or other printed circular shill include notices describing the subject matter of items about which the Association may be called upon to set policy and shall be distributed among the houses of Boylan Heights. These items, among other matters, shall include statements to be made to various boards and councils of the City of Raleigh. After such notice is given in the newsletter and a printed notice is posted in an agreed upon public place, the Association may then consider the policy items at its next meeting and take a vote as to the Association's policy.

If a matter is raised at an Association meeting for the first time without preceding notice in the monthly newsletter, the Association may discuss the matter but can not take a final vote until further discussion at the next monthly meeting is held. In the interim, the normal newsletter notice shall be given.

If a policy item requires action prior to the next monthly Association meeting, the officers of the Association are directed, wherever appropriate, to request that the action being considered be postponed until after the next Association monthly meeting. If such action is not postponed as requested, then the Association officers are authorized to state their personal opinions as they see fit provided that they advise whomever they are addressing that they are expressing only their personal opinions and that the Boylan Heights Association has not had an opportunity to meet to consider the matter.

Article VI: Amendments to the By-laws

These By-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new By-laws may be adopted by a vote of 3/5ths of the individuals attending a Boylan Heights Association meeting provided that the notice described hereinabove is given in the monthly newsletter and that the change be approved at two consecutive monthly meetings.