Garden Club News

March 12, 2000

The Boylan Heights Garden Club was a bit snowed under recently but with the spring bulbs shooting up, interest is increasing. 

Our most important news is the annual visit to our neighborhood by the PINK TRUCK. This will happen on Monday, April 3, 2000. Almost anything can be cleaned out of your property and put curbside or alley side to be picked up, even larger appliances. What cannot be picked up are: Car engines or parts Hazardous materials Dirt, rocks, or building materials Batteries Paint, gas, paint thinners Tires Stumps Logs larger than 6" diameter or 6' in length

Pickup is between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Have your items ready at 7:30 a.m. Once a street has been covered, it will not be serviced again. Please remember to sort yard waste from household items. We hope that all residents will find time to clean out their basements, attics, yards, and alleys to take advantage of the PINK TRUCK. The April 1-2 weekend is the ideal time to put stuff out. A flier will be distributed prior to this date. The neighborhood will also host lunch for the Public Works personnel on the job. Many neighbors have graciously offered their homes for this. Thank you all for your offer of hospitality. The luncheon will be at David and Rhonda Maurer's house, 511 Cutler Street. Donations are welcome in the form of money for paper products, casseroles, desserts, breads, for lunch. These should be delivered to the Maurer's house on the day of the luncheon. Please contact Rhonda at 834-6991 to let her know of your plans.

This time of year is perfect for dividing those crowded perennials. Please repot them and bring them to the annual Memorial Day picnic to share with neighbors and spread the beauty of your garden throughout Boylan Heights.

This is also the time to fertilize your cool season fescue lawn. If you have southern grass growing it's better to wait till June or so. Lime will help your grass utilize the nutrients in the fertilizer (hopefully the lawn was limed last fall).

Please direct questions to Ray Lanier, Pres. @ 828-9112 or Elizabeth Dunbar, Treas. @ 836-8136 or


Garden Club Meetings Garden Club meetings are the first Wednesday of the month. Please join us at 422 Cutler Street, 7:30 p.m., every first Wednesday. Have questions? You can call Elizabeth Dunbar at 836-8136.

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