Boylan Heights Association Meeting Minutes October 23, 2001

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m.

The meeting opened with an update on the neighborhood sign design. Deanna Kerrigan gave the report for Lisa Tolley, who could not attend the meeting. Estimates for producing new signs are $1,200 per sign. This fee includes producing the sign, processing permit paperwork, and installation. All agreed that this seemed reasonable.

Deanna Kerrigan presented information on the City of Raleigh's Neighborhood Improvement Matching Grant program. Grants are available in November or December of 2001. Under the program, the BHA could apply for up to $5,000 for beautification or other neighborhood improvements. The amount requested needs to be matched dollar for dollar by the neighborhood. Matching funds can be in cash, donated volunteer time, or other donated/in-kind services. A motion was made, seconded, and approved for the BHA president to pursue writing a draft grant application for the November meeting.

BHA officers reminded everyone about the ninth annual Art Walk, to take place on December 2.

Deanna Kerrigan led a discussion about a request from Project Enlightenment staff to help beautify their property. In exchange for using the meeting room at no charge, PE staff has suggested that the BHA assist them with some quality of life projects that would contribute to the overall neighborhood aesthetic. Some suggestions included painting the chain link fence green and planting bulbs or other perennials around the fence perimeter. There was some discussion about who would maintain the plantings and what specifically the PE staff would want from the project. Further discussion was tabled for a future meeting, with the hope that some PE staff could attend.

Paul Meyer brought up the issue of cell tower zoning and cautioned the neighborhood to consider future cell tower/cell pole requests carefully. Because future redevelopment of the area surrounding the neighborhood will be impacted by cell tower/cell pole locations, he recommended that future requestors be encouraged to locate their projects on the roofs of existing buildings, rather than on the ground.

Following the announced agenda, there was a request to discuss the overall cohesiveness of the neighborhood, specifically the decline in many properties around Boylan Heights. The concern stems from the condition of several properties on Boylan Avenue between South Street and Dorothea Drive. Discussion centered on the problem corridor east of Boylan Avenue on South, and Florence Streets. Although personal property crime seems to have decreased in some areas of the neighborhood, concern was expressed over the area of east South Street between Boylan and South Saunders and the lot on the corner of Western Boulevard and Boylan Avenue. There is a good deal of drug related activity on Florence Street and Boylan Avenue. Deanna Kerrigan suggested having a neighborhood walk with the new Police Chief. Other recommendations included listing numbers to call in the newsletter and contacting property owners about illegal activity in rental housing.

There was a discussion about the White Oil property on Lenoir Street. The current owner is interested in selling the property and there was a discussion about whether the neighborhood would be interested in leasing space on the property for a small store or other operation. Although members in attendance were interested in the possibility of the property being used for something other than industrial work, all agreed that any BHA sponsored use of the space would require more discussion and careful planning. Discussion was tabled for a future meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.