Issues List – Raleigh Rail Station Proposals

Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association

Approved 3/28/00


µµµµµ  Traffic and Transportation. 


* * *            Minimize auto traffic through neighborhood (i.e., vehicle access to the station should be from downtown not through Boylan Heights and routes through the neighborhood should not appear on any transit maps, directional signs, etc.).

* *       Plan must address all potential ingress and egress patterns for pedestrian/vehicular traffic.

* *       Boylan Heights residents must have safe, convenient, and unhindered pedestrian access to the station.

* *               Orientation of the downtown station should be toward pedestrian and transit access, not as a major "park-and-ride" facility - surface parking should be limited.

*          TTA should present detailed plans for minimizing impact of transit passengers to on-street neighborhood parking.

*          TTA should present detailed plans for minimizing TTA bus traffic on Boylan Avenue.


µµµµ  At-Grade Crossing. 


* * *    An at-grade crossing of the Boylan Heights bridge should not be considered as long as reasonable and feasible alternatives exist.

* *       The at-grade crossing presents significant safety issues for both pedestrians and vehicles. TTA must assess increased risks and present detailed plans for insuring pedestrian and vehicular safety, including accessibility for wheel chairs, strollers, walkers, bicycles, and pedestrians.

* *       The at-grade crossing presents significant noise pollution issues for Boylan residents from both the incoming trains themselves and from additional traffic backed up at the crossing. TTA must present detailed plans to minimize and mitigate noise pollution to the Boylan neighborhood.

*          The at-grade crossing may result in traffic congestion when Boylan Avenue is closed.  TTA must address in a specific and detailed way how to minimize and mitigate traffic congestion and delays.

*          If an at-grade crossing is used, TTA must insure that the crossing surface will be safe and accessible for wheel chairs, strollers, walkers, bicycles, and pedestrians.


µµµ  Air Quality/Noise. 

* *             Incoming trains, buses, and automobiles may increase air pollution in the neighborhood. TTA must complete a detailed air quality assessment of the proposed train and multi-modal station and address how air quality issues will be mitigated.

* *       Noise pollution from train whistles, engine brakes, public address systems, and buses will significantly impact the quality of life for Boylan residents. TTA must address in detail how these noise pollution issues will be mitigated.


µ  Other Issues.

* *       TTA must report in detail how it will accommodate environmental justice issues.

*          TTA should submit plans for architectural design, landscaping, and public art for the station area to the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association for review and input.


TTA must address the impact of train vibration on surrounding historic structures and other residences.