Alternative Station Sites Capital / Harrington (A)
  At ground level, between Capital Boulevard and Harrington Street.
Capital / Harrington (B) 
 Elevated, between Capital Boulevard and Harrington Street
Peace Street
At ground level, just south of the Peace Street Bridge
Displacement / Relocation Two business (Dunlop Tire and O'Rourke Distributors) and one storage related use in a building at the corner of  Lane and Harrington Streets Two business (Dunlop Tire and O'Rourke Distributors) and one storage related use in a building at the corner of  Lane and Harrington Streets; approximately 20 parking spaces at the Wake County General Services Administration Facility Two business (Dunlop Tire and O'Rourke Distributors) and one storage related use in a building at the corner of  Lane and Harrington Streets; two maintenance and one storage building, all three of which are within the railroad right-of-way
Noise Sensitive Places within 300 feet none none none
Environmental Justice The population of the 1990 census block groups that are within 1/2 mile radius of the station site is about 23% minority, compared with the general population's average of 32%; an average of 22% of the population within these block groups is low-income The population of the 1990 census block groups that are within 1/2 mile radius of the station site is about 23% minority, compared with the general population's average of 32%; an average of 22% of the population within these block groups is low-income The population of the 1990 census block groups that are within 1/2 mile radius of the station site is about 22% minority, compared with the general population's average of 32%; an average of 21% of the population within these block groups is low-income
Visual Effects Except for the historic building adjacent to Capital Boulevard and Afghan Roofing, no visually sensitive resources are present The station platform (and associated trackwork north of Hillsborough Street and south of Peace Street) would be elevated approximately 30 feet above the existing tracks; the elevated tracks will be supported by columns, with retaining walls on the north and south ends of this flyover; except for the historic building adjacent to Capital Boulevard and Afghan Roofing, no visually sensitive resources are present Except for the historic building adjacent to Capital Boulevard and Afghan Roofing, no visually sensitive resources are present
Cultural & Historic Resources
Historic Properties No historic resources are affected No historic resources are affected No historic resources are affected
Parks and Natural Systems No parks, wetlands, streams or endangered species are impacted No parks, wetlands, streams or endangered species are impacted No parks, wetlands, streams or endangered species are impacted
 Hazardous Materials &                        Underground Tanks North of the station site, at Wake County General Services Facility there is an underground tank as well as 2 shops, a car wash and gas station which warrant further investigation North of the station site, at Wake County General Services Facility there is an underground tank as well as 2 shops, a car wash and gas station which warrant further investigation At Fairway Outdoor advertising, located across the tracks from this station site, there is a waste generator
Plan Compatibility
 Plans/Zoning Supportive of                   Increased Density and Mixed Uses This site is within the City's Regional Intensity Area - Central District, designated to support intense, transit-oriented, mixed-use development This site is within the City's Regional Intensity Area - Central District, designated to support intense, transit-oriented, mixed-use development Yes, this site is within the City's Regional Intensity Area - Central District, designated to support intense, transit-oriented, mixed-use development
 Compatible with Existing Land Use Yes Yes Yes
 Enhances Investment / Reinvestment This site provides rail transit access to the State Government Center as well as the Glenwood South Area, thereby enhancing the revitalization which is currently underway This site provides rail transit access to the State Government Center as well as the Glenwood South Area, thereby enhancing the revitalization which is currently underway This site provides rail transit access to the State Government Center, and connections north of Peace Street, to Peace College, Halifax Court which has received a Hope VI Grant through HUD for revitalization, and the Pilot Mills Area
Residents within Walking Distance About 6,988 people live in the 1990 census block groups that are within 1/2 mile of the station site; 2,314 live in the block groups which are within 1/4 mile of this site About 6,988 people live in the 1990 census block groups that are within 1/2 mile of the station site; 2,314 live in the block groups which are within 1/4 mile of this site About 7,421 people live in the 1990 census block groups that are within 1/2 mile of the station site; 2,075 live in the block groups which are within 1/4 mile of this site
Site Visibility from Major Roads While this station site would not be visible from the portion of Jones Street (between Capital Boulevard and Harrington Street) designated for kiss and ride and bus service connections, pedestrians and motorists will be able to see the station platform and shelter from surrounding streets and sidewalks The station platform and shelter will be approximately 30 feet above the existing tracks and therefore visible from surrounding streets and sidewalks Portions of the station platform and shelter will be visible from Peace Street, however this site is largely obscured by the State Government Center Parking Garages
Bicycle Access None of the surrounding streets are designated bicycle routes None of the surrounding streets are designated bicycle routes None of the surrounding streets are designated bicycle routes
Pedestrian Access This station site would be accessible to numerous employees because of its proximity to downtown employment concentrations east and west of Capital Boulevard This station site would be accessible to numerous employees because of its proximity to downtown employment concentrations east and west of Capital Boulevard This station site would be accessible to numerous employees because of its proximity to downtown employment concentrations primarily east of Capital Boulevard; it is also close to Peace College
Trackwork This alternative would require some trackwork realignment and construction of a new railroad bridge over Capital Boulevard;  TTA would operate on the existing bridge and other rail operations would be shifted north onto a new bridge This alternative would require extensive trackwork realignment and construction of two new railroad bridges over Capital Boulevard; TTA would operated on tracks elevated over the existing rail corridor; freight and future High Speed Intercity rail operations would operate in the current at-grade corridor; the existing bridge over Capital Boulevard is likely to be removed This alternative would require the least amount of track relocation and result in improved alignments; a new bridge for freight and future High Speed Intercity rail would be constructed over Capital Boulevard
Operational Efficiency Trackwork will improve the rail corridor for Regional Rail Service (TTA), freight and future High Speed Intercity rail operations Trackwork will improve the rail corridor for Regional Rail Service (TTA), freight and future High Speed Intercity rail operations Trackwork will improve the rail corridor for Regional Rail Service (TTA), freight and future High Speed Intercity rail operations; due to track curvature adjacent to the station platform, Regional Rail train speeds will be reduced
Cost This alternative would require some trackwork realignment and construction of a new railroad bridge over Capital Boulevard This alternative would require extensive trackwork realignment and construction of two new railroad bridges over Capital Boulevard; one new bridge would be used by TTA and the other would be for freight and future High Speed Intercity rail; the existing bridge over Capital Boulevard is likely to be demolished This alternative would require the least amount of track relocation and would include construction of a new railroad bridge (for freight and future High Speed Intercity rail) over Capital Boulevard
Station Facilities Bus transit connections would occur on-street, while kiss and ride would occur off-street, off the west end of the platform, at Harrington and Lane Streets; the east end of the platform would be connected to the State Government Center Parking Garages and pedestrian network Bus transit connections would occur on-street, while kiss and ride would occur off-street, off the west end of the platform, at Harrington and Lane Streets; the east end of the platform would be connected to the State Government Center Parking Garages and pedestrian network; transit passengers would access the platform via elevators and stairs rising above the existing track level Bus transit connections as well as kiss and ride would occur on-street on Peace and Salisbury Streets; the south end of the platform would be connected to the State Government Center Parking Garages and pedestrian network; direct handicapped accessible connections to the platform do not appear feasible from the north side of Peace Street
Changes in Street Network This alternative would not result in changes to the street network This alternative would not result in changes to the street network This alternative would not result in changes to the street network
Vehicular Access The one-way street system may present some access limitations; traffic and site distances on Lane Street would be affected by on-street bus movements and automobiles entering and exiting the kiss and ride area The one-way street system may present some access limitations; traffic and site distances would be affected by on-street bus movements and automobiles entering and exiting the kiss and ride area; the new bridge over Capital Boulevard and the realignment of the tracks could affect vehicular access to the Wake County General Services Administration parking area Site distance and traffic speed may be of concern for pedestrians crossing Peace Street to get to and from the pedestrian connections to the platform on the southside of Peace Street; on-street bus and kiss nd ride would not be ideal on Peace Street
Parking Since this alternative is directly connected to the State Government Center Parking Garages, no additional parking is being provided Since this alternative is directly connected to the State Government Center Parking Garages, no additional parking is being provided Since this alternative is directly connected to the State Government Center Parking Garages, no additional parking is being provided