Meeting on April 12, 2002

The first meeting of the group to save the Dorothea Dix Campus was held at Cup-A-Joes at Mission Valley at 5:00.  Those in attendance were:

Marsha Presnell-Jennette, Joseph Huberman, Aly, Eric Reeves, Dewey Botts, Bill Flournoy, Jessica Bellas, Tim Fletcher, Jeana Myers, Jamie Ramsey, Benson Kirkman

We were all responding to the following message from Jamie Ramsey from People for Parks:

Why we need to preserve parts of Dorothea Dix for future generations NOW

1. The State is discussing selling this spectacular piece of property and relocating the Hospital to Chatham County. Development pressures on this property will be strong and swift!

2. Dorothea Dix represents a rare opportunity for state and local leadership and coordination to create a model for open space protection.

3. If this land is not preserved now, it will be lost forever.

4. Protection of parts of this property from development, and an interest in the development of the property being done well, are very important concepts to Raleigh citizens.

5. Preservation of open space will help maintain and improve the quality of life for local residents and visitors to NC's Capitol City.

6. Connectivity for non-motorized transportation (greenways) and wildlife (habitat, corridors) must be planned for now or will be lost forever.

7. Open space supports our economic development.

8. Storm water management and water quality are assisted through open space preservation.

9. The State should set a good example of active open space protection if it expects others to act in a similar fashion.

10. Protection of this land would be consistent with the State's Million Acre Initiative Legislation (G.S. 113A-241) approved in June, 2000.

How protection of Dorothea Dix could be accomplished

1. Determine how much land should be protected, and where.

bulletNatural resource inventory and assessment
bulletFunctional evaluation (connectivity, views, etc.)
bulletSet goal of minimum 20% protection

2. Communicate importance of modeling Million Acre Initiative goals and objectives

bulletStaff send memos to Secretary Ross of ENR
bulletAdvocates meet with Secretary Ross
bulletSend letter from DENR to DHHS, Governor, key legislators (Odom, etc.)
bulletAdvocates meet with Senator Odom and other key legislators

3. Determine method for implementation of conservation goals

bulletConservation easement on property identified for protection
bulletRight of first refusal to City of Raleigh/Wake County
bulletSetaside of minimum 20% to be managed by City for open space/conservation purposes

4. Determine roles and responsibilities for partnership

bulletState General Assembly
bulletCouncil of State
bulletDept. of Environment and Natural Resources
bulletDept. of Health and Human Services
bulletWake County
bulletCity of Raleigh
bulletNonprofit organizations
bulletPeople for Parks
bulletDix neighborhood association

5. Grassroots advocacy

bulletDevelop citizen steering/advocacy committee
bulletWebsite with petition
bulletPublicity campaign
bulletNetwork involvement

We had a free ranging discussion about what we wanted to do and the problems we foresaw.  Joseph Huberman volunteered and was selected as the chairperson.  We decided to use email for our official correspondence and agreed that Joseph Huberman would call the next meeting.

The meeting ended with everyone determined to help preserve the beautiful open spaces on the Dorothea Dix campus.