Boylan Heights Monthly September 1999

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The next meeting of the Boylan Heights Association is Tuesday, September 28, 7:00 p.m. at WILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 301 St. Mary's Street. The Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, (usually at 501 S. Boylan Ave. in the Project Enlightenment school building).

Agenda items for our upcoming meeting include:

  • A Candidates' forum for mayoral, city council and school board candidates

Please Attend the Candidates' Forum!

Mayoral, city council and school board candidates have been invited to a candidates' forum at the September meeting of the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 7 p.m. in the Media Center at Wiley Elementary School on St. Mary's St. Each candidate will give a five-minute presentation, followed by a question-and-answer session. We would like a good turnout for the forum. If you need a ride to the school, call Ann Green at 828-6888.

Annual Boylan Heights ArtWalk December 5, 1999 1-5 p.m.

In case you aren't familiar with the event, artists from Boylan Heights and around the community set up their wares on various front porches (call Larua Brown if you would like to volunteer your porch or sell artwork). We do a bit of advertising in the community and in the paper, and people come to our neighborhood and walk around to the various houses spread over about 5 or 6 blocks and look at the artwork and purchase much of it. It is starting to get a city wide reputation and has grown each year. There is usually a refreshments house and frequently a raffel that raises just a bit of money for the Boylan Heights Association.

Adult Resident Artist Participation Fee: $15.00 Child Resident Artist Participation Fee: $6.00 Non-resident Artist Participation Fee: $20,00 Application deadline with payment is October 15, 1999 Call Laura Brown at 828-3544 for application.

We had a big turnout at the annual Labor Day picnic

With Joseph Huberman's generosity, the picnic was moved from the grounds of Project Enlightment to Jospeh's house. A large number of Boylan Heights residents attended as well as candidates for mayor of Raleigh, Wake County School Board and City Council At Large. Raleigh City Councilman Benson Kirkman and Susan Parry provided ice cream for everyone.

Garden Club Happenings

The next event is on October 2, 1999, and is the Fall Clean Up at the Boylan Bridge Park 

Bring your shovels, rakes, trash bags, and gardening tools to spruce up the Boylan Bridge Park at Dupont Circle. Meet on Saturday, October 2 at 9:00 a.m. We plan to finish before noon. The more that show the faster we'll go! Call Ray Lanier at 828-9112 or Elizabeth Dunbar at 836-8136 for more info.

For more garden club notes check the Garden Club Page on this website.

Other Notes...

Tom Henderson and Ginny Going at 400 S. Boylan Ave. have some top soil left from a truck-load they ordered and they'd like to give it away to neighbors. Anyone interested can contact them at 821-3723 or

Jeff Groves reports that he found the Raleigh City web site that has trash collection information as well as other useful stuff at:


Boylan Heights Association Officers 

  • Ann Green, President, 828-6888 
  • Cecilia Rawlins, Vice President, 821-1880 
  • Leslie Kellenberger, Treasurer, 833-9678 
  • Louise Anderson, Secretary/Newsletter Editor,, 828-7415

Newsletter submissions are welcomed

Deadline is Tuesday (one week) before each month's neighborhood association meeting (fourth Tuesday of the month). Call or email.

If you would like to receive Boylan Heights news via email, (or get off the list) join the neighborhood listserv by sending an email to or using the form on this website's home page.


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